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Camp NEW You is not just about the kids! Without the support of a parent or guardian, youth have a difficult time changing their lifestyle habits. That's why they need a parent to support their efforts, not only at camp, but especially when they return home. Parents can also learn important health lessons that they can apply in the home environment, and with their own personal health behaviors.

During the residential camp time, parents (at least one) are required to attend one weekend, where they have the opportunity to take part in specialized sessions with nutrition and activity professionals. These sessions cover important focus points that help parents evaluate their home environment and learn ways to help make that environment more conducive to a healthy lifestyle. Parents also attend each of the three follow-up weekends with their child.

Take Charge Be Healthy® The Take Charge Be Healthy web-module is used throughout the Camp NEW You experience. Parents can also benefit from the Parent's Page which is packed with useful links related to physical activity, nutrition, and health. Parents can also learn more about what their child is participating in while using the web-module.
Facebook® Camp New You parents are encouraged to sign up for a facebook account in an effort to stay connected with other parents of CNY kids. On facebook, you can share ideas, success stories,and challenges that you are facing as you progress through the camp process. Stay informed with updates from CNY staff and also take advantage of healthy living tips which are posted from time to time
Healthy Holiday Eating Tips The holiday season is a wonderful time of year.  It is also a time when we tend to slip on our goals that we have set for ourselves regarding physical activity and healthy eating.  The link below has a lot of great ideas to help you keep on track over the holidays!
Sitting at the Head of the Table This powerpoint download is the presentation that was viewed during the parent session on Saturday afternoon. If you do not have PowerPoint on your computer, you can use this link to download a PowerPoint Viewer from Micrsoft
USDHHS Dietary Guidelines A great resouce explaining the current dietary guidelines according to the US Department of Health and Human Services.
CDC-Healthy Weight...It's a Lifestyle A guide from the CDC that helps explain the role of physical activity in weight loss.
Mayo Clinic - Exercise for Weight Loss A resource showing the amount of calories burned in one hour through various activities.